
What is Accelerated Resolution Therapy or ART?

Trauma and the resulting PTSD negatively affect people throughout the world. What if you could take away traumatic images that replay in your head over and over again?  What if that could be done with the wave of a hand and in a short period of time, maybe even in an hour or less. What if you could get your life back? Accelerated Resolution Therapy allows people to keep the knowledge of the event or issue but lose  the pain.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) helps veterans and trauma victims heal and overcome anxiety and emotional pain. Meet veterans who have had tremendous results as well as a therapist and researcher who explain the process and the results. ART changes lives!

Trauma and PTSD rewire your brain -- especially your memory -- and can unearth destructive emotional responses when stirred. Could we eliminate these triggers without erasing the memories themselves? Enter neurologist Amy Milton's mind-blowing, memory-editing clinical research poised to defuse the damaging effects of painful remembered experiences and offer a potential path toward better mental health.

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